+Photo Credit: Wasa Crispbread via Unsplash
This month’s contribution is brought to you by: Derek Goodman
Something in your world has shifted. Maybe it was a relationship or a job or a significant loss. Now you are trying to find your new normal, but it feels a little strange getting back out there. Building confidence can help you chase after your career goals, get your health back on track, and develop resilience against stress. In this article, Darlene Coleman Coaching explores some ways to become your best self so you can truly thrive in this new stage of your life.
Give Your Skin Some Love
Life has been incredibly stressful. If you’re feeling a little run-down, chances are your skin is feeling it too. Because stress triggers inflammation in the body, it can lead to flare-ups of acne, eczema, or psoriasis. Stress also causes a spike in cortisol and adrenaline, which are hormones that can dry out your skin. Give your skin some love and get it back to its peak health. Beyond reducing stress and applying moisturizer consider visiting a skin care specialist.
Aim for Better Work-Life Balance
Stress isn’t just damaging to your skin. Chronic stress has a negative impact on every other part of your body as well. It’s important to try to control your stress levels and find ways to relax. Achieving a better work-life balance is one way to do this. Many of us have a hard time balancing the demands of our job with our personal needs. Try setting boundaries, using all of your vacation days, and working remotely once in a while.
And if your goal is landing a job that’s conducive to better balance, use a resume builder online that you can use to create a slick, professional-looking resume in minutes with free templates. You can then easily download and send digitally to a select few employers, then print out when it comes interview time.
You may feel stuck in your current routine and job, which can be incredibly frustrating. In fact, that frustration can prevent us from seeing and taking opportunities that occur all around us. Working with a life coach can free us from those blinders and allow us to focus on putting our own needs first. Darlene Coleman specializes in helping people evolve and gain control of their lives. She can help you to see and take advantage of changes to improve your happiness and work-life balance.
Make Fitness a Priority
Better work-life balance creates more room for activities that keep you feeling your best, like exercising! Since fitness has such a profound impact on health, it should be a priority in your life. Now is a great time to ease into a new exercise regimen! If you don’t feel comfortable heading back to the gym, create a workout routine that can be done from home. All you need is a workout mat and a set of weights. There are plenty of resources online that can help you move through an effective and efficient workout from home.
Get Your Finances in Order
Is the current state of your finances adding stress to your life? Instead of working more hours, find ways to cut costs. Do your own house cleaning and lawn mowing, work out at home instead of the gym, and brew your own coffee. If you’re a homeowner, consider a refinance. By refinancing, you can reduce your mortgage payments by giving up some equity in your home. If you’re considering refinancing, be sure to discuss your options with a reputable lender.
On the other hand, adding a little goal-oriented anxiety can actually push us out of a rut and into some better habits. Try pushing yourself towards a financial goal. Maybe it’s to reduce extraneous spending by $200 every month, or doubling your savings. Whatever your goal, lean into that discomfort and see where it takes you!
Eat More Vegetables
Nutrition is an important part of living your best life, but adhering to a diet can be time-consuming. Thankfully, nutrition is simpler than many people think! Aim to eat a balanced diet packed with vegetables, and you’ll get all the vitamins and minerals you need to operate at your peak. According to EatingWell, vegetables fight inflammation, improve blood pressure, support your digestive health, reduce your risk of disease, and improve your skin. Plus, packing your diet with veggies will help keep your brain sharp!
Live More Mindfully
If you want to make the most of your life, try to live mindfully. Declutter The Mind explains that mindful living is all about focusing on the present instead of dwelling on the past or concerning yourself with the future. When you think and act mindfully, you have full control over your thoughts and feelings. This can help you stress less and get out of your head.
Some simple ways to live more mindfully include waking up early, eating slowly, showing appreciation to others, paying attention to the content you consume, and noticing the sights and sounds around you as you go about life. These actions will put you in the driver’s seat as you work to rebuild your life after the pandemic.
Life can be a whirlwind of stress and anxiety. Now is your chance to look inward and think about what you can do to support your mind and body. Building confidence and practicing self-care will help you hit the ground running towards your goals! Once you move out of survival mode, focus on your goals. Use a positive amount of anxiety to push yourself out of your comfort zone and see what you can do.
When you’re ready to make some changes and refocus your perspective, reach out to Darlene Coleman Coaching. Together, we can set goals, reframe your focus, and set you on a path for happiness and balance.